Mastering Buttons, Actions, Dynamic Data & Conditions in Final POS Builder

Learn how to create a custom home button, set up a checkout page, and efficiently copy elements across layouts. Discover the power of dynamic data integration, allowing you to display usernames, product information, and more. Perfect for both beginners and intermediate users looking to take their Final POS projects to the next level.

Master advanced techniques in the Final POS Builder! This tutorial covers essential skills to enhance your project control and user experience:

  • Creating action buttons for navigation and functionality

  • Adding conditions for precision control

  • Incorporating dynamic data for real-time information

  • Customizing navigation features

  • Building a functional product grid with images and variations

Key highlights:

0:00 - Introduction and overview
1:05 - Creating a station home button
2:35 - Adding a checkout page
4:38 - Testing the build in the native app
6:11 - Introduction to dynamic data
7:46 - Adding and styling username display
9:02 - Using conditions to hide/show elements
11:21 - Working with dynamic product data
13:45 - Creating a product grid with dynamic data
15:30 - Publishing and viewing the updated build

Welcome to Final's POS Builder course: Your Journey to POS Mastery Starts Here!

Get ready to embark on an exciting learning experience with Final's POS Builder tutorial! In this quick welcome video, we'll give you a glimpse of what to expect, introduce you to our expert instructors, and share the incredible possibilities that await as you master the world's first POS builder.

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